Celebrate Msgr. Vance's Golden Jubilee [10:00 AM Mass, May 17th]

Virtual Surprise Party!!

Fifty years ago, when Msgr. Vance was studying to be ordained a priest, there were no classes on how to “livestream” mass. Yet, in his devotion to his parish, he has quickly adapted to this new way of keeping us close in faith. We get to see him and hear him, sense his devotion and encouragement through our devices. Yet he sees empty pews. To celebrate this milestone of fifty years of service to God’s people as of May 16th, we hope to surprise Msgr. by filling the pews, in the only way open to us. Please send pictures of yourself and/or families (no larger than 8 x 10) - perhaps student photos, or photos from First Communion, Confirmation or weddings - to either address below. Messages and cards of congratulations and gratitude are also welcome.

Shhh!!! It's a surprise-- AND also, spread the word so all parishioners know!

Please mail pictures to Mrs. Donna Ryan, c/o St. Philip Neri School 3015 Chestnut St., Lafayette Hill, PA 19444, or email to ryand@spnschool.org

DEADLINE for pictures to be received is May 12TH!

These photos will be taped to the pews. Hopefully, the pews will be as crowded as they would have been for Easter. Be sure to watch the SPN livestream mass on May 17th.

You might see yourself sitting in the pews!