Dear Family,
At St. Philip Neri PREP, we are committed to the religious education of our children as taught by Jesus Christ. Our goal is to assist you as your child’s first teacher, to nourish the faith already instilled through baptism, family life, and most importantly, the Sunday Mass.
Class Schedule:
Homeschooling is available for students in Levels 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Students in sacramental preparation must attend in-person sessions. Families must attend Sunday Mass weekly to be approved. Please speak with the DRE if you would like to homeschool.
A registration form is attached. Please include a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate if your child is a new registration. If your child is entering St. Philip Neri PREP from another religious education program, please provide a copy of the permanent record card.
Forms and payment may be mailed to the address above or dropped at the Church Office. Checks should be payable to Saint Philip Neri Church. Please note: Choice of days and busing will be closed when spaces fill. Spaces cannot be reserved without payment.
We always need volunteers to teach and assist in various areas, especially as catechists and aides for all grades/levels. No experience is necessary; we provide instruction and support. Parents or grandparents who volunteer full-time in the classroom qualify to have PREP fees waived. If you're interested in volunteering in the classroom, as a recess or snack aide, or need more information, please contact me as soon as possible to prepare for September.
I thank those who have given generously of their time, talent, and resources. Parents are their children’s first teachers and we are honored to assist you in raising your children in our Catholic faith.
Your friend in Christ,
Sharon Otto
Director of Religious Education
Read more posts by Matt Stanczak.
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