SPN Confirmation Retreat Volunteers Needed

High School and Young Adults who have been confirmed with the seal of the Holy Spirit are asked to share their time and talent. Could you be a leader of small group for the Confirmation class retreats? They take place January 30 and February 6 from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm.

Please call Dane Connelly at 610-834-9868 or 610-828-3082 line 2 or email d.connellyspn@gmail.com if you can help at one or both retreats.

Your witness to Christ will help our candidates recognize the need for the Holy Spirit to live the Christian life. Please join us!

Posted By: Matt Stanczak

Read more posts by Matt Stanczak.

NOTE: If you notice anything incorrect with this post, please email stanczak.matt@gmail.com